Haydock's Catholic Bible Commentary, 1859 edition.

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Transcriber's Notes

1. The original text uses numerous abbreviations and, for ease of understanding, many of these have been expanded, particularly those abbreviations used for the names of interpreters and commentators, if known, and the names of the books of the Bible.  For instance, the abbreviations Aug., Austin., and Augustin. used in the original text have all been rendered as St. Augustine in this transcription.

- Where the original text seems to use c., v., and l. as abbreviations for chapter, verse, and liber (or book), instead of the Roman numerals c (100), v (5), and l (50), the longer abbreviations chap., ver., and lib. have been used in this transcription.

- The commentator designated in the original text as A., has been rendered as Haydock in this transcription.

- The abbreviation S. for Saint used in the original text has been rendered St. in this transcription.  Likewise, SS. for Saints has been rendered Sts.  For instance, S. Peter has been rendered St. Peter; SS. Peter and Paul has been rendered Sts. Peter and Paul.

- The abbreviations A.M. for Anno Manai and A.C. for Ante Christum used in the original text have been rendered Year of the World and Year before Christ, respectively. For instance, A.M. 1, A.C. 4004 has been rendered Year of the World 1, Year before Christ 4004.

- Some of the names used in the original text have been rendered slightly differently in this transcription for ease of understanding.  For instance, Jerom has been rendered Jerome, Zachary has been rendered Zacharias, Malachy has been rendered Malachias.

2. The webpage generator used would not accept paragraph indentations or double-spaces between terms. To compensate, paragraphs are separated by a blank line. And, in some instances, instead of double-spaces, semicolons have been used to separate terms.  Also, when the name of a source stands alone in the original text, it has been placed in parentheses.

3. The original text not infrequently includes Greek expressions spelled out in Greek letters. In this transcription, because Greek letters are not included in the available webpage fonts, those expressions have been transliterated into the English alphabet and put in italics and underlined or prefaced by the expression, "Greek:"  The following substitution scheme has been used: A for Alpha; B for Beta; G for Gamma; D for Delta; E for Epsilon; Z for Zeta; E for Eta; Th for Theta; I for Iota; K for Kappa; L for Lamda; M for Mu; N for Nu; X for Xi; O for Omicron; P for Pi; R for Rho; S for Sigma; T for Tau; U for Upsilon; Ph for Phi; Ch for Chi; Ps for Psi; O for Omega. For example, where the name, Jesus, appeared spelled out in the original text in Greek letters, Iota-eta-sigma-omicron-upsilon-sigma, it is transliterated in this transcription as, Iesous or Greek: Iesous. 4. The original text designates footnotes by special characters, such as *, †, ‡, §, etc. In this transcription these special characters have been replaced by numbers in square brackets, such as [1], [2], [3], etc. This change was made for ease of understanding and for ease of transcribing.

5. Places where the original text is unreadable have been indicated in this transcription by an empty set of square brackets, [].

6. Occasionally, brief comments by the transcriber have been added in square brackets to aid in understanding the sense of the original text.  For instance, the original sometimes uses the word age, in the sense of century, as in "...in the third age..." where "...in the third century..." is meant, and, in this transcription, it is rendered as,  "...in the third age [century]..."